Monitoring devices for
overall FITness of DRIVErs
FitDrive aims at improving road safety
by effectively monitoring working patterns and overall fitness of drivers
FitDrive means improving the European mobility, by reinforcing safety, competitiveness and performance of European transport processes, through innovative ICT solutions for enhanced security and robustness of the transport operations.

FitDrive rises with the goal of improving the current transport system, increasing its robustness and support safety, security and quality of life through the monitoring of driver’s performance and the enhancement of roadside controls, while relying on behavioural research and forward-looking activities for policy making and training.
The FitDrive project will design, implement and test new toolkits and methodologies for monitoring and evaluating driving performance, cognitive load, physical or mental fatigue, reaction time, while providing information to drivers, intelligent road systems and police roadside controls.

FitDrive will impact on road safety preventing fatalities of drivers and working conditions, focusing on their health and on the enhanced effectiveness of roadside random controls by screening only those with detected anomalous behaviour. Exploitation will focus on a consistent implementation across member states, while contributing to EU road safety targets.
Evaluate driving performance and cognitive load, physical fatigue and reaction time.
Develop an efficient, reliable cost-effective and socially acceptable solution for detecting impairing psychoactive substances.
Develop a cloud-based system to evaluate drivers’ performance cognitive load, physical fatigue and reaction time.
Develop extended BRIDGEBOX.
Design smart tachograph to retrieve professional data.
Successfully test the developed systems with a focus on interoperability, reliability, acceptability, ethics, security and environment.
Create impact on fitness to drive and safety by building a network of partners and associates in academia and industry to generate an innovation ecosystem, by developing training modules and arousing commercial interest.
Communicate and disseminate the FitDrive results to foster the application of the tool to investigate and prevent other effects of altered conditions.
The FitDrive project as part of the EU Road Safety: Towards “Vision Zero”
The FitDrive project has been included by the European Climate, Infrastructure And Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) in the official overview on the contribution of Horizon 2020 projects to the “Vision Zero” policy on road safety – EU Road Safety: Towards “Vision Zero”.
The FitDrive Project on Frontiers in Neurorobotics.
A scientific article was submitted to Frontiers in Neurorobotics and it published. The European Commission co-founded the article, through the Horizon 2020 project FitDrive, together with other grants, as reported in the Funding section.
Read the article to dive deeper into the details about the results of the first neurophysiological analysis of C1 experiments in Italy and Spain!
The EFT’s Animation on Road Safety
The European Transport Workers’ Federation (EFT) has published a report on the consequences for road safety in eliminating fatigue in professional drivers, which you can read through the link.
In addition, EFT has created an animation on the report to practically show the problem of Driver Fatigue.
FitDrive Beta tests conducted in Rome
with professional drivers at the driving simulator
Behind the scenes:
On-going Beta tests conducted at the Engineering Department of ROMATRE to monitor fitness to drive.
Professional drivers are using brain sensors that allow to assess their neurological status while driving. Moreover, tech devices are placed for eye-tracking to monitor attention and issues alert when needed.