FitDrive is composed of 8 work packages:

WP1: Project Management; management of activities at the project level.
WP2: Driver behaviour/ impairment cause alignment; performing the necessary information to obtain data to feed the algorithms in WP3. Simulation tests will obtain driver profile.
WP3: Driver performance AI and Multimodal machine learning development will perform multivariate data analytics based on heterogeneous data sources (WP2) using AI and multimodal machine learning algorithms to create different models in driver behaviour.
WP4: Interoperable ICT framework (IoT cloud) and Fit-devices development will develop the hardware of the project focussing on the Interoperable IoT/Cloud Framework development, heterogeneous data sources connectors & data fusion middleware development, and On-board Vehicle Data Devices.
WP5: Tests and Evaluation. Two additional types of experimental tests will be run during the project in order to test the initial algorithms and the system intelligence, to improve and to refine them considering the bias between simulated and real conditions.
WP6: Training & Exploitation At the conclusion of the research cycles, impact solutions will be prepared accordingly with the knowledge gained during tests analysis. Three activities will be included: i) Training Modules Creation; ii) Standardization will carry over the gained knowledge to create recommendations for safety and sustainability measures related to regulation and enforcement; and iii) Exploitation activities of the FitDrive devices.
WP7: Communication and Dissemination all the necessary tasks for the creation, adoption and validation of successful dissemination and Communication strategies.
WP8: Ethics requirement. This work package sets out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.